Bylaws for


Adopted June 15, 2019

[Last Amended November 21, 2020]


State Committee Meeting

The State Committee shall hold a monthly Meeting, open to the general public, every third Saturday of the month, for the transaction of business, unless canceled by a majority of the state committee at a time no later than the previous monthly meeting. The State Committee Meeting shall begin at 2pm from May to November and 6pm from December to April, and take place at a location within the state of Utah as determined by the State Committee. State Committee Meetings are conducted by the Chair (or acting Chair) according to The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, Fourth Edition, of the American Institute of Parliamentarians, unless when the procedures therein are in contradiction with these Bylaws or the State Party Constitution. Each Meeting shall include:

  1. Approval of the previous Meeting’s minutes,

  2. Report on the state of the Party by the State Party Chair or acting Chair,

  3. Report on State Party operations with recommendations for efficiency measures by the State Party Secretary or designee,

  4. Report on State Party finances by the State Party Treasurer or designee,

  5. Report on State Party constituency by the State Party Constituency Director or designee,

  6. Report on State Party fundraising by the State Party Development Director or designee, 

  7. Report on State Party communications by the State Party Communications Director or designee,

  8. Ethics Audit Report by the State Party Ethics Director or designee,

  9. Report by Liaisons to Community Organizations or their designees,

  10. Reports on State Party Commissions and Caucuses by their respective Chairs or their Chairs’ member-designees,

  11. State Committee Members’ submission of agenda items for next month’s Meeting.

The Vice-Chair serves as acting Chair at Meetings in the absence of or designation by the Chair. 

Directly after the Organizing Convention, an Organizing Meeting is to be held, open to the public, among newly elected State Committee Members for the selection of Officers. The last Meeting before the annual Convention of each year is to include an additional report on the state of the Party by the Vice-Chair and a financial audit report by the Constituency Director.

The addition of new Officers, including Party Liaisons to community organizations, must be made by amendment to the State Party Constitution or these Bylaws.

In the case of vacancies in the office of presidential elector because of death, refusal to act, failure to attend, ineligibility, or any other cause, the State Committee is to fill such vacancies, by simple majority, with willing and legally eligible State Party Constituents at the next State Committee Meeting.

In the case of an elected representative, senator, or county official who was a Party Nominee subsequently vacating his or her office due to death, resignation, or ineligibility, the State Committee is to appoint, by two-thirds (⅔) majority, an eligible Utah resident to fill the office.

If a Party Nominee or Candidate featured on the Party primary ballot dies, acquires a disability that prevents the Candidate from continuing the candidacy, or is disqualified before a primary or regular general election, the State Committee is to nominate, by two-thirds (⅔) majority of total State Committee membership, an eligible Utah resident to replace the Candidate.

The Chair must abstain from making or seconding motions at regular meetings.

Each Meeting agenda is under the control of the Chair or acting Chair, but any additional agenda items added by the Committee at the previous Meeting shall be included on the current Meeting agenda.


State Convention

Each State Convention shall have in attendance a chaplain who is a Constituent of the State Party and who holds recognized authority within a Utah religious community. The chaplain is to offer opening and closing prayers for divine blessing over the Convention’s proceedings.

The Secretary is to oversee all internal State Party elections in coordination with the Constituency Director.


Liaisons to Community Organizations

Officers appointed by the State Committee are responsible to establish and maintain productive, good-faith relationships with various organizations of civil society in accordance with the Utah Solidarity Party Constitution in Article V, Section 10, including, but not limited to:

  1. Life Liaison

    1. Pro-Life Utah

    2. Abortion Free Utah

    3. Utah Sidewalk Advocates for Life

    4. 40 Days for Life

    5. Utahns for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

    6. Utah Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty 

  2. Ecology Liaison

    1. Citizens’ Climate Lobby

    2. Clean the Darn Air

    3. Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah (HEAL Utah)

    4. Utah Clean Air Partnership (UCAIR)

    5. Protect Our Winters

    6. O2

    7. Climate Utah

    8. LDS Earth Stewardship

  3. Migration Liaison

    1. Catholic Community Services

    2. International Rescue Committee

    3. Asian Association of Utah

    4. Youth Refugee Coalition#KeepFamiliesTogether

    5. Lifting Hands International

    6. Utah Refugee Connection

  4. Health Care Liaison

    1. Utah Health Policy Project

    2. Pregnancy Resource Center

  5. Racial Justice Liaison

    1. NAACP Salt Lake Branch

    2. Urban Indian Center

    3. Salt Lake County Mayor’s Council on Diversity Affairs

    4. Comunidades Unidas

    5. Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

    6. Utah Black Chamber

    7. OCA Utah

  6. Electoral Reform Liaison

    1. Utah Ranked Choice Voting


Online Officer Accounts

Officers must notify the Secretary of a new password in the case of a change to a Party online account.

Officers are to be responsive by using their State Party email accounts for external State Party communications.

The Secretary is responsible for training new officers in the use of Trello, party email, and Google Meet, and for storing officers’ account information and passwords of each platform.


Social Media

The State Party Communications Director is responsible for the management of all social media accounts associated with the State Party, and for appointing all Social Media Team members, subject to simple majority approval by the entirety of the State Committee.

  1. Social Media Team

    1. Social Media Manager

      1. Ultimately responsible for all compliance with the guidelines and goals set forth in this Article

      2. Responsible for making and boosting Facebook posts and tweets 

      3. Approves all Facebook posts before they are published

      4. Discharges duties of Instagram Coordinator in case of temporary absence or vacancy

      5. Appoints members of the Social Media Team as needed, with State Committee approval

      6. Reports to Communications Director and State Committee

      7. Serves a renewable 3-month term

    2. Instagram Coordinator

      1. Responsible for making posts on official party Instagram account

      2. Experiments with videos (in partnership with the Video Editor), GIFs, memes, photographs, and other graphics

      3. Tracks public response to content and adapts accordingly

      4. Follows: public figures, party members, media organizations, advocacy groups, etc.

      5. Does not follow: accounts with inappropriate or offensive content, etc.

      6. Tweets Instagram content as it is produced

      7. Uses the following hashtags in every post:

        1. #solidarity

        2. #utah

        3. #utahsolidarity

      8. Discharges duties of Social Media Manager in case of temporary absence or vacancy

      9. Manages Video Editor and Image Content Creators

      10. Reports to Social Media Manager

      11. Serves a renewable 2-month term

    3. Video Editor

      1. Responsible for the production of videos 

        1. Anywhere between 15 seconds and 10 minutes in length

      2. Recruits and manages Video Content Creators

      3. Reports to Instagram Coordinator

    4. Video Content Creators

      1. Report to Video Editor

    5. Image Content Creators

      1. Report to Instagram Coordinator

    6. Authors

      1. Provide written content for Facebook posts

      2. Report to Social Media Manager

  2. Facebook Page

    1. Reach

      1. Avoid posts that lead to substantial spikes in “unlikes,” such as ones that alienate a portion of our small base of support

      2. Posts may be boosted for $5 if they have reached 5,000 Facebook users

    2. Written content

      1. Must be entirely consistent with the National and State Party platforms

      2. Must entirely follow from the National and State Party platforms, unless it is an attributed statement as described in 2(a)(ii)

      3. Must not praise any living figure or extant institution of another political party

      4. Must be thoughtful and balanced when containing criticisms of political figures and institutions outside the Party

      5. Must not criticize present or former Constituents of the Party

      6. Must not imply a preference for any one religion, to the exclusion of others

      7. Must be factually accurate, according to at least one reliable source

      8. Must uphold the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States

      9. Must not contain alienating buzzwords or profanity

      10. Must respect the independence of the judiciary

    3. Video and image content

      1. Instagram posts

      2. Past National Party or other State Party Facebook posts

      3. Linked or uploaded external content (with attribution) 

        1. Includes blog posts from National Party and State Parties

    4. Interaction

      1. Messages

        1. Respond within a week

        2. Speak on behalf of the Party: avoid first-person singular pronouns

        3. Speak only positively about the Party and its current and former Constituents

        4. Steer the conversation toward the messenger becoming more involved with the party, unless a fundamental and irreconcilable philosophical difference presents itself

        5. Emphasize the value of the messenger’s opinion and contribution

        6. If the messenger says things that are clearly disrespectful and offensive, express disappointment and move toward ending the conversation

      2. Guest posts

        1. Publish only if particularly cogent and compliant with the Written Content guidelines in 2(c)

        2. If addressed to the party itself, comment as you would a Message, according to the guidelines in 2(e)(i)

        3. In other cases, simply ignore


        1. Only respond using the Page account when providing general information that follows the guidelines in 2(c) and is easily verifiable and indisputable

        2. Avoid protracted arguments using the Page account

        3. Use a personal account when potentially entering a protracted argument or when using arguments that may be disputable

        4. Never engage in ad hominem attacks or criticisms of former or present Party Constituents, whether using a personal account or the Page account

        5. Only hide or delete a comment if it uses obscenity, is inaccurate, or is offensive

        6. Only ban a user if the repeated hiding and deleting of his or her posts becomes a regular necessity


        1. “Like” using the Page account, unless they include text that fails to comply with the guidelines in 2(c)

      5. Reactions

        1. Periodically check all post reactions and invite any accounts to “Like” the Page that haven’t done so already

    5. Access to account limited to:

      1. State Committee Members

        1. Admin role

      2. Communications Director

        1. Editor role

      3. Social Media Manager

        1. Editor role

      4. Instagram Coordinator

        1. Editor role

      5. Authors

        1. Author role

  3. Twitter

    1. Access to account limited to:

      1. State Committee members

      2. All Social Media Team members

    2. Original content

      1. Instagram Coordinator is responsible for tweeting Instagram content as it is produced

      2. Party news

      3. Party blog posts

      4. Links accompanied with textual explanations

      5. Images

      6. Videos

      7. Direct at (include handles of) the official accounts of the people and institutions mentioned

      8. Include commonly used hashtags in appropriate contexts

    3. Retweeting

      1. Content from...

        1. Do retweet:

          1. Religious and community leaders

          2. Trustworthy media outlets

          3. Charity and advocacy organizations that support a part of the National and State Party platforms

          4. Party Constituents and leaders, local and national

          5. Followers with noteworthy credentials

        2. Do not retweet:

          1. Public figures or institutions directly associated with other political parties

          2. Individual journalists or pundits who are divisive

      2. Content that constitutes…

        1. Do retweet: 

          1. Positive or neutral mention of the Party

          2. Insightful and reasonably reliable information, compliant with the guidelines in 2(c), that contributes to the political narrative found in the National and State Party platforms

          3. Opinions that are compatible with the National and State Party platforms

        2. Do not retweet: 

          1. Contradictions of the National or State Party platforms

          2. Biased criticism of individuals

          3. Praise of living public figures or extant institutions of other political parties

          4. Information that cannot be factually verified by at least one credible source

          5. Implied preference for any one religion, to the exclusion of others

          6. Contradictions of the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States

          7. Direct appeals to the judiciary

    4. Following

    5. Do follow: 

      1. Other Solidarity Party accounts

      2. International Christian-Democratic parties

      3. Elected officials

      4. Other U.S. political parties

      5. Media outlets

      6. Civil society organizations

      7. Religious leaders and institutions

      8. Constituents of the Party

      9. Followers with noteworthy credentials

      10. Nonpartisan public figures who may have a natural interest in the party

      11. Government institutions

      12. Research institutes with relevant and reliable information

      1. Do not follow:

        1. Accounts whose tweets regularly clog up the feed with irrelevant content

        2. Accounts that consistently engage in confrontational, non-productive argumentation

    6. Replying

      1. Follow the guidelines in 2(e)(iii)

    7. Messages

      1. Follow the guidelines in 2(e)(i)


Designated Organizations

The following organizations are designated for community participation to establish constituency in the State Party, pursuant to Article II, Section 1, of the State Party Constitution:

  1. Utah Solidarity Party

  2. American Solidarity Party

  3. Pregnancy Resource Center

  4. Utah Sidewalk Advocates for Life

  5. Catholic Community Services

  6. Society of St. Vincent de Paul

  7. International Rescue Committee

  8. Good Samaritan Program

  9. Stand Up Republic

  10. Citizens’ Climate Lobby

  11. Emerging Leaders Initiative

  12. Pro-Life Utah

  13. Lifting Hands International

  14. Utah Refugee Connection


State Committee Resolutions

All State Committee Resolutions must be passed with a simple majority of total Committee membership and include a date of expiration.


Tribunal Opinions

Decisions of the State Party Tribunal must be written in the form of an opinion, approved by a simple majority, and submitted to the State Committee. All new opinions are to be bound by the language found in preceding opinions.



Should any of the provisions or portions of these Bylaws be held unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions and portions shall be unaffected.