Frequently Asked Questions

Does joining the ASP affect my Utah voter status?

No. Membership is an internal function of the American Solidarity Party and is separate from your state voter registration. Doing this in no way keeps you from being a registered Democrat or Republican for voting in primaries. In some states, voter registration under the American Solidarity Party may be possible. There is no link between registering on this website and registering with the state.

How do I join the American Solidarity Party?

You can join us by using the form on the Support Us page on the national website. Joining the party requires that you affirm your agreement with our four core principles: the sanctity of human life, the necessity of social justice, our responsibility for the environment, and the possibility of a more peaceful world. A financial donation (no minimum) is also required when you join. Membership (including the affirmation statement and donation) must be renewed annually, in order to participate in internal party voting, and there is a two-month waiting period from the time you first join before you are eligible to vote internally.

Will you be on the ballot in Utah?

We plan to be, pending our ability to go out and get signatures this Spring. We take COVID precautions seriously and want to be mindful of the potential dangers of having volunteers go door to door. We will update this post further as the state sees a consistent drop in cases. As more people like you join the effort, getting the word out into the community and inviting family, friends, and neighbors, more and more states will actually put ASP candidates on the ballot.

What is Christian Democracy?

A political movement that incorporates both traditional church, family, and progressive values. It rejects the individualist worldview that underlies both political liberalism and laissez-faire economics. While finding its inspiration and base of support in Christianity, it operates autonomously from any ecclesiastical organization and welcomes a plurality of support from those of other or no religious affiliation.

Is the American Solidarity Party Pro-Life?

Yes. We affirm that all have a right to life from conception to natural death. Thus, we do not merely oppose abortion, but we support life. It says more than mere opposition ever could. It is a bold and firm stand for life, not merely against abortion. Thus we are “pro-life for the whole life”. We differ from every single other political party by requiring that all new members affirm the sanctity of human life prior to joining. We also oppose the death penalty, euthanasia, and any direct and intentional attacks on innocent human life.