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Catholic Social Teaching: Introduction

  • American Solidarity Party of Utah Salt Lake City, UT (map)

Hosted By Kevin Mauer and Utah Solidarity Party Catholics' Caucus

To Join the Event you can visit the Facebook Event Here

It's easy to find a lot of information about certain Catholic teachings. It's even easier to find a lot of information about people's opinions about politics. But how easy is it to find Catholic teachings about politics. Who knows the Church's political opinions?

Since we rarely talk about it and few know it well, Catholic social teaching is often called the Church's "best kept secret." In fact, the Catholic Church's magisterial witness on political questions is hidden from us in plain sight. It's all there, ready to be found, in the social encyclicals of modern popes from Leo XIII to Francis.

These teachings have been summarized during the pontificate of St. John Paul II within the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. In our first discussion, we'll be going over that document's introduction, found online here: