

Utah is uniquely endowed with transcendent landscapes, world-renowned recreation, and bountiful natural resources. The people of Utah, therefore, have a special responsibility to treat God’s creation within our state with due reverence and to preserve its blessings for future generations. This requires not only action on the part of Utah’s households, businesses, and governments, but also our productive partnerships with federal agencies and popular movements from around the world. The people of Utah must continuously embrace evidence-based solutions to local air pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, and watershed depletion. Together, Utahns can cultivate a thriving environment, destined to support a densely populated and prosperous state community for all future generations.

The transition away from fossil fuels that cause local PM2.5 pollution and global climate change must occur as quickly as possible. Coal, gasoline, and natural gas must be replaced with alternative sources of energy such as advanced, modern nuclear power without delay. We advocate for increased funding for nuclear research, and we call for a carbon fee on all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions to accelerate the energy transition while building the Utah economy. We support aggressively building generation 3 nuclear plants as quickly as possible along with increased funding to improve battery capacity for renewables.

All public investment should be made with a goal toward a sustainable economy in mind. We must abandon a culture of waste which reflexively disposes of the goods of the earth, but instead embrace both new and traditional means of re-using material and energy.

We support more local government input in the administration of federal lands and more democratic decision making as to their use, via voter referenda in areas most affected by proposed transfers of use or ownership or changes in zoning.

We support tax credits and infrastructure investments for Utahns who opt for electric vehicles.

We must all take personal and familial responsibility for stewardship of the environment, teaching habits of conservation to our children in our homes, schools, and places of worship, and practicing them ourselves.


Reining in Big Tech

Fix America's polarization problem, while putting money in your pocket.

One of the blessings and curses of capitalism is that sometimes change happens faster than we can keep up. While the internet has resulted in unprecedented innovation, our government has floundered to establish clear rules to protect the consumer. As a result, you've been robbed blind of one of your most valuable assets: your data.

Big tech is selling your personal information to the highest bidder and feeding your data to unchecked AI whose sole purpose is to addict you to their platform. The result is billions of highly personalized echo chambers brimming with clickbait, misinformation, and outrage porn. 

Thanks to this market failure, Americans are no longer living in the same reality. We believe in a world filled with malignant intent, resulting in unprecedented ideological civil warfare.

​ut what if your data was yours to sell or keep private? ​

If you owned your own data, and tech companies had to pay to use it, user targeting would be limited by big tech's budgets. It would become less precise, all-knowing, and damaging. At the same time, you could choose whether to A) receive a check every month for allowing companies to use your information, or B) bar companies from using your information at all.

​The result is more power (and money) in the consumer's hands, and a society that isn't being torn apart by highly sophisticated AI, designed to keep you online no matter the cost.

Carbon Fee & Dividend

Money in your pocket & net zero by 2050

Carbon pollution is what economists call a negative externality or market failure. Currently, there is no cost to companies for shooting pollutants into the air we breathe, even though these pollutants are associated with lung cancer, heart disease, and of course, climate change.

​A carbon fee & dividend corrects for this market failure by charging a fee for every ton of CO2 emitted into the air. The fee would be assessed at the source of extraction (meaning at the mine, well, or pump) of carbon-emitting energy. It would begin at around $10/ton of CO2, and then grow incrementally year after year until we've phased out carbon-emitting fuel sources. This gives current companies time to react and innovate, rather than mandating an economy-wide halt and thrusting America back into the dark ages. 

​Of course, this plan begs the question, won't everything get more expensive, making life harder for already struggling citizens? 

​That's where the dividend comes into play. Rather than give the money collected from the carbon fee to the government (which would grow the government's size), the money would be distributed to every tax-paying household in the form of a monthly dividend check. We saw the same thing happen with our stimulus checks during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

​It is projected that with this model, the poorer 50% of America would actually come out ahead of where they were before the carbon tax since they're lower carbon emitters. This makes it easier for Americans to switch to renewables as the technology becomes cheaper and more widely available. 

​This plan is endorsed by over 3500 American economists and every living ex-Federal Reserve Chair. Unlike subsidies and other regulations, this policy does not pick winners and losers. Whatever energy can be most cheaply distributed with the carbon fee will win America's consumers, whether that be nuclear, wind, solar, or some energy source we haven't even come up with yet. 

Approval Voting

It's election year, and there are three candidates on the ballot:

  • You don't like candidate A

  • You HATE candidate B 

  • You LOVE candidate C, who's polling just behind the other two.

 So who do you vote for? 

​Candidate A, of course. Because if you don't, candidate B might take it all.

​This is a gaping flaw in our republic recognized by election scientists and voters everywhere. Instead of voting for the best candidate, we often find ourselves voting against the worst candidate. Approval Voting fixes this issue. Instead of voting for only one candidate, you can select all of the candidates you like. Votes are added as normal and the candidate with the most votes wins!

This simple change:

  • Allows voters to vote their conscience

  • Elects more representative candidates

  • Cools down the political atmosphere

It’s a small change, with big effects. Approval voting removes the ‘spoiler effect,’ since you are not taking votes from one candidate by voting for another. It is easy to understand, with no need to change to a different ballot. It allows people to express their preferences more accurately. Most importantly, it leads to higher voter approval and more representative candidates.

Why We Need It

We are experiencing a time of extremely high polarization but this isn’t the natural state of things. This situation was produced by a broken system and how we elect our leaders plays a huge role in that system.

Approval voting consistently elects the most representative, consensus candidates. This means that polarizing, divisive candidates who only appeal to small portions of the population won’t get as many votes as more broadly appealing candidates.

No More Spoilers

I like them, but I don’t think they can win.” 

Sound familiar? 

With approval voting, you can always vote for your favorite without the fear of helping your least favorite win or wasting your vote.

Approval voting offers a simple, clear reflection of community support, which helps us elect leaders who know how to better represent us.

Help Bring Approval Voting to Utah

You can help bring a better voting system to Utah! Find out how you can help here.


Family-Centered Work Policy

We want to develop a system of paid parental and family leave to support pregnant women, new parents, and family caregivers.

Utah legislatures should reduce workplace risks and health disparities for pregnant women and improve maternal and child health research.

As a state that emphasizes families, we need to ensure that every family has access to affordable, quality childcare and early education. We need to urgently assess the impacts of COVID on children’s education in underserved communities and develop strategies to close already persistent gaps.

We also need robust federal or state support for family engagement in education, such as funding family-directed education pathways.


Pro Capitalism & Anti Monopoly

Free enterprise is the foundation of a healthy, happy economy. A healthy economy begins with free markets and protections for small businesses and workers from unfair practices. A healthy economy depends upon local job growth, new and growing businesses, entrepreneurs, and valued workers who are treated fairly. In a truly free market, there is vigorous competition and no firm is big enough to dominate the market and keep competition out. Too often, free markets are hindered either by Big Government intervention or Big Business monopolization. In either case, wealth ends up in the hands of an elite few instead of the common worker or struggling entrepreneur. While Democrats are often guilty of over-regulation of the free market, Republicans too often cater to the whims of large corporations. In this way, both parties are equally responsible for pushing out small businesses, keeping prices high and wages low, and overall strangling the economy and the working class. Our goal is to allow single-income families and individuals to support themselves with dignity. 

We support policies that emphasize family-owned businesses, private property, local production, and greater personal ownership. We do this by empowering local governments with greater decision-making regarding their own lands, and businesses. Giving local communities greater flexibility will allow for more diverse and innovative solutions to local problems rather than imposing them from some central authority (i.e. the Federal Government). We keep checks and balances on large corporations with common sense anti-trust laws to break up the oligarchies that use their private power to lobby for influence. 

Over 99 percent of America’s 28.7 million firms are small businesses, which also accounts for 43.5 percent of the United States’ GDP. The fact is, small businesses drive innovation, jobs, and economic growth. They bring jobs and revenue to the local economies by offering jobs, local products, paying sales and property tax, and using local vendors and supporting services. We could provide small businesses with the same tax breaks that are provided for large corporations. Small businesses could get similar local and state incentives like is given to large production facilities, or research and development firms. Small businesses are the unsung heroes of the United States economy, and it is time they get the attention they deserve.


Pro Fiscal Sanity & Social Safety Nets

Self-reliance and industry are cornerstones of Utah living. Self-Sufficiency means maintaining a decent standard of living and not having to choose between basic necessities.  At the same time, we know that many in Utah struggle to meet those basic needs, often perpetuated from generation to generation because of a chronic lack of infrastructures to support education, transportation, and health. Divisive Republicans and Democrats would have us falsely choose between a hand-out economy that offers little incentive to work and a sink-or-swim economy in which millions drown. We think Utah can do better. Less than 20 percent of the U.S. workforce has access to paid family and medical leave through their workplace.

The government should work to eliminate debt, protect against financial hardship, and invest in our future as wise stewards of the people. While we can’t expect the government to fix everything, it can be a tool that provides a safety net for those in need while encouraging accountability and self-sufficiency. We advocate for social safety nets that adequately provide for the material needs of the most vulnerable in society. These programs should help Utahns to find a path out of poverty and unemployment by providing them with the tools they need in order to fully participate in the workforce again with dignity, and not trap them under the thumb of a welfare state. 

This will allow families and individuals to escape poverty on their own terms, encouraging potential workers to go to work, rather than discouraging them with welfare payments. Funding and services should also be provided to encourage families to care for elderly and disabled family members at home without being impoverished by lost income. No family should have to choose between meeting one’s need for child care but not for nutrition, or housing but not health care. Our goal is to work to secure an economy in which Utah families can continue to flourish. 


Whole Life Affirming Policy

As a proudly Pro-Life party we are sickened by the state of many citizens in our country. rates of child and maternal mortality are higher in the United States than they are in countries of similar population size and wealth. Black women in the United States are at least three times more likely to die due to circumstances connected to childbearing and birth than white women. Employee access to paid sick days is correlated with reduced spread and incidence of contagious illnesses. New parents with young children, entrepreneurs, and self-employed workers juggling work and family are less likely to have ample paid time off and almost half of workers in the lowest-wage occupations have no access to paid sick leave.

We need to change the current abortion narrative that is hyper-polarized and threatens the health of our democracy. Recognize the importance of protecting the life of the unborn child while valuing the life of the mother. We support addressing issues like maternal mortality, poverty wages and expanding access to healthcare, affordable housing, and affordable high-quality childcare.


We Love Our Cops & Black Lives Matter

There are political partisans who want us to believe that supporting “Black Lives Matter” is a sign of disrespect for law enforcement officials. They want us to believe we must choose a side. Instead of choosing “a side”, we are advocating for racial equity, the fair dispensation of justice, and police accountability. Law enforcement officers should be supported and held to the highest standards of professionalism. We support strict accountability for the use of lethal force. The increased rates of conflict between police and communities should motivate us to do and be better. We are calling for our state and local governments to institute measures that will increase transparency and trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve, including the use of body cameras, civilian review boards, and the expansion of community policing. Police departments provide valuable and often dangerous services to our communities. Most are hardworking, caring, and responsible.   

Black and Hispanic children disproportionately grow up in an environment with poorly funded schools, inferior health care, inadequate diets, and dangerous living conditions. Utah is no exception. Pretending otherwise propagates the same failed system that breeds hate, or just as bad, indifference to the plight of minorities in our society. Black Lives Matter" is not rejecting that all lives are important. By that same token advocating for the police does not mean one shouldn’t see the value in wanting fair treatment for people of all backgrounds.